Will I lose muscle?

Will I lose muscle if I do a keto diet?

Yes. There is a possibility of loose your muscles. Because every diet causes a muscle to lose, so, you can lose some muscle.

If you diet keto you possibly can lose muscle. If this procedure is excessive then it will be started.

Due to muscle lose you can face some problems. So you should communicate your doctor immediately.

Can I ever eat carbs again?

Can I ever eat carbs again?

Of courses. Reduce your carb intake is the main factor of the keto diet. But you can eat carbs. After the first 2–3 months, on your special time. Then you have to return to your menu immediately.

Kirkpatrick advocates focusing on carbs that are high in protein and fiber when reintroducing carbs to your diet after a period of severe restriction. "When seeking to add carbs back into your diet, bean-based pasta, seeded crackers, and sprouted breads are all terrific options," she explains.

Is Ketosis Safe and has it Side Effects?

Is Ketosis Safe and has it Side Effects?

Ketosis is a subjective term and is caused by natural processes. So it is safe. But excess is always wrong. Excessive ketosis may cause harm to your body. Maintain the rules and contact your physicist if you have any symptoms of ketosis.

Most people can safely enter ketosis if they do so under the direction of a doctor. It can, however, have certain drawbacks, particularly at first. It's also unknown how a ketogenic diet affects the body in the long run.

Sample keto diet plan for one week

Sample keto diet plan for one week:


• Breakfast: 

broccoli, Avocados,  spinach,Boysenberries

•  Lunch: 

Lean meats, oats, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and butter.

• Dinner: 

Grapefruit, Grapes, Gooseberries, Guava


•  Breakfast:

 kale, Avocados , lettuce, Blueberries, Bing Cherry.

•  Lunch: 

skinless chicken, pasta, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and butter.

• Dinner: 

Honeydew melon, Hackberry, Honeycrisp Apples


•  Breakfast: 

cucumbers, Avocados, broccoli , cauliflower, Cherries, Cantaloupe,

• Lunch:

 Whitefish,  rice, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and butter.

• Dinner:

 Indian Prune (Plum), Indonesian Lime, Imbe, Indian Fig


•  Breakfast: 

peppers, broccoli , chard, collards, Crab apples, Clementine,

• Lunch: 

skimmed milk, bread

• Dinner: 

Java Apple, Jambolan, Kiwi, Kaffir Lime, Kumquat


•  Breakfast: 

Lentils, Avocados , cauliflower, Damson plum, Dinosaur Eggs (Pluots),

• Lunch:

 eggs, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and butter.

• Dinner:

 Lime (Lemon), Longan, Lychee, Loquat


•  Breakfast: 

Apple, pears, lettuce, Dates, Dewberries, Dragon Fruit.

• Lunch: 

cheese, shellfish,

• Dinner:

 Olive, Oranges, Ogeechee Limes, Oval Kumquat


•  Breakfast:

 Apricots, Avocados, collards, Elderberry, Eggfruit, Evergreen Huckleberry, Entawak.

• Lunch: 

nuts, cream

• Dinner:

 Persimmon, Paw Paw, Prickly Pear, Peach, Pomegranate, Pineapple

When eating out, you should maintain the keto food in your menu.

Keto diet tips:  How to start a keto diet plan, Keto Diet for Beginners

Keto diet tips:

 How to start a keto diet plan, Keto Diet for Beginners

To start a keto diet plan, you should maintain some rules. You should follow the rules for a better result of the keto diet. The fundamental rules are given below.

Decrease carbohydrates: 

you should avoid the sugars for this keto exercise. In other words, eat more vegetable. Carbs should strictly be prohibited, and veggies should be added to your menu.

Increase healthy fats: 

increase healthy fat in your daily menu.

Maintain your protein intake:

 Eat enough protein to maintain your daily protein intake.

Increase your water intake:

 increase the amount of water in your daily eating chart.

Increase exercise: 

increase exercise during your keto diet plan.

Decrease stress:

try to decrease your stress.

Maintain your social life: 

maintain your social activity during your keto diet.




• After an overnight fast, amino acids provide glucose by gluconeogenesis.

• Gluconeogenesis from amino acids increases during the first three days of starvation.

• Then, it declines as the body adjusts its metabolism to use ketone bodies as a primary fuel source.

Fatty acids

 • As starvation continues, gluconeogenesis from amino acids declines because free fatty acids mobilized under the condition of low insulin levels are oxidized preferentially.

 • The mobilization of free fatty acids is unchecked and lasts as long as the reserves of triacylglycerol allow.

Ketone bodies:

• The high level of acetyl CoA in the liver drives the formation of ketone bodies produced at the maximum rate as early as the third day of starvation.

 • When the plasma level of ketone bodies is high enough, the cardiac and skeletal muscles and brains are readily utilized.



Metabolism in the liver:

• Most low molecular weight metabolites that appear in the blood after digestion are first carried to the liver from the intestine through the portal vein.

• Liver plays a central role in regulating the serum levels of glucose and other metabolic fuel.

• During the fed state, it takes up excess glucose for storage as glycogen or conversion to fatty acids.

• During fasting state, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis by the liver are major sources of glucose for the rest of the body.

•Liver serves as the major site of fatty acid synthesis.

• Liver synthesizes ketone bodies during starvation.

• Liver synthesizes plasma lipoproteins.

Role of liver in blood glucose regulation

• When blood glucose rises to a very high concentration following a meal, two-thirds of the glucose

• When blood glucose level falls, glycogenolysis starts by the activity of the enzyme glucose 6-phosphataseAbsorbed from the gut is immediately stored in the liver as glycogen (glycogenesis). Furthermore, the liver releases glucose in the blood.

• When glycogen reserve diminishes, gluconeogenesis starts in the liver from glucogenic amino acids of the body proteins to maintain blood glucose level.

Metabolism in skeletal muscle:

• Skeletal muscle is the most significant consumer of metabolic fuel and oxygen due to its high mass compared with other tissues.

• Skeletal muscle maintains abundant glycogen stores, which provide a source of glucose for energy during exertion.

• In resting muscle, the preferred fuel is fatty acids.

• Muscle protein may be mobilized as a fuel source if no other fuel is available.

• Pyruvate, the product of glycolysis may be converted to either lactate or alanine and exported to the liver where it is used to regenerate glucose by the process of gluconeogenesis.

Metabolism in adipose tissue:

• Adipose tissue stores metabolic fuel in the form of triacylglycerol. During the fed state, the adipose tissue synthesizes triacylglycerol from fatty acids and glucose.

 • During the fasting state, triacylglycerols are converted to glycerol and fatty acids, which are exported to the liver and other tissues.

Metabolism in the brain:

• The brain contains no fuel reserves and must be continuously supplied with fuel.

Brain tissue uses glucose as an exclusive fuel. During starvation, the brain adapts to use ketone bodies.



(A) Non Hormonal regulation

(i) Allosteric control:

• The activity of the key metabolic enzymes in the pathway is modulated by the level as activators or inhibitors of metabolites that act.

• In Glycolysis, phosphofructokinase is activated by fructose-2,6 bisphosphate and AMP and inhibited by citrate and ATP.

(ii) Respiratory control:

• Pathways are regulated in this manner are TCA cycle, B-oxidation, and oxidative phosphorylation.

(iii) Covalent modification:

• Covalent modification of the key enzyme of a pathway is used to regulate the pathways. In glycogenesis, glycogen synthase is inactive when phosphorylated and active when dephosphorylated.

 • In glycogenolysis, glycogen phosphorylase is active when phosphorylated and inactive when dephosphorylated

(iv) Substrate availability:

• Substrate availability is primarily determines

the flux of metabolites through the following allied

•Pentose phosphate pathway

• Urea cycle

(B) Hormonal regulation

(i) Insulin signals the fed state.

• Insulin stimulates the synthesis of glycogen, fat, and protein. • Insulin inhibits the degradation of glycogen, fat, and protein.

(ii) Glucagon and epinephrine signal the fasting state.

 • Glucagon and epinephrine inhibit the synthesis of glycogen, fat, and protein.

Glucagon and epinephrine stimulate the degradation of glycogen, fat, and protein. Epinephrine also signals stressful states when the mobilization of fuel is required.



• The utilization of metabolic fuel is not the same during the 24 hour period because humans are intermittent feeders.

• The fed (postprandial) state occurs during and just after a meal. • Plasma substrate levels are elevated above the fasting level.

• The fasting (postabsorptive) state occurs several hours (usually 10 - 12 hours) after eating.

• The metabolic fuels used by tissues are derived from mobilized stores of fuel molecules.

HMP shunt

• Starvation occurs after extended fasting (2 to 3 days without food).



• Glucose circulating in the blood is a primary metabolic fuel.
• Carbohydrate is stored primarily as glycogen in the liver and muscle.

Triacylglycerol is stored primarily in the adipose tissue.
• They are the source of fatty acid and glycerol, the latter of which is a substrate for gluconeogenesis.

Body protein is considered a metabolic fuel because amino acids may be converted to either ketone bodies or glucose.



• Metabolic fuels are substances (glucose, fatty acids, amino acids) used by the body as a source of carbon or sources of free energy, which are used for anabolic processes and cellular functions.



• The metabolic pathways of all significant biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are well-coordinated and through and through linked. This interrelationship between the important metabolic pathways concerned with fuel metabolism is known as the integration of metabolism.



• Ketogenesis is regulated by epinephrine, glucagon, and insulin.

* Overproduction of ketone body occurs primarily when carbohydrates (glucose) are not available as a fuel in tissues.

• As a result excess breakdown of triacylglycerol (lipolysis) occurs in adipose tissue with mobilization of Fatty acid in the blood.

• Epinephrine and glucagon stimulates hormone-sensitive lipase in adipose tissue for lipolysis and insulin Inhibits.

• In a condition of unavailability of carbohydrate, insulin level falls, and epinephrine and glucagon take the upper hand with stimulation of hormone-sensitive lipase for lipolysis.

 • Excess fatty acid in blood causes increase oxidation with excess production of acetyl CoA.

 • This over-production of acetyl CoA can not be handled by the TCA cycle due to the deficiency of oxaloacetate (most of the oxaloacetate comes from glucose).

• As a result, acetyl CoA accumulates, which is diverted to generate ketone bodies.

Excess production of ketone body occurs in.

Excess production of ketone body occurs in:

  • Prolonged starvation
  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
  • Excessive ketone body generation, as seen in uncontrolled diabetes, leads to their buildup in the bloodstream and the development of ketosis and acidity in ketoacidosis.



• Normally, ketone body synthesis, and oxidation are balanced so that their serum concentration is maintained around Img/dl, and urinary excretion is negligible (Img/day). Rothera's test can not detect such a low concentration of ketone bodies in urine. 

• However, if the rate of production exceeds the rate of oxidation, ketone bodies accumulate in the blood.

• Ketonemia:

 When the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood rises above normal, the condition is known as ketonemia.

• Ketonuria:

 When excess ketone bodies are detected in urine, the condition is known as ketonuria.

• Ketosis: 

The overall picture of ketonemia and ketonuria is known as ketosis.

• Ketoacidosis: 

It is a state in which acidosis develops due to excess accumulation of acetoacetate and B-hydroxybutyrate in the blood and also appears in the urine.



• Ketone bodies are water-soluble and easily transported from the liver to other tissues where they Are oxidized.

• Acetoacetate and B-hydroxybutyrate are the alternative fuel for cells of tissues like -

• Skeletal muscles

• Cardiac muscles

• Renal cortex

• Brain

The tissues which lack mitochondria can not utilize ketone bodies. Ketone body production and utilization are increased when glucose supply is short in tissues, e.g. in prolonged starvation, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

In prolonged starvation, ketone bodies are the major fuel for the brain,

• Oxidation of B-hydroxybutyrate produces acetoacetate, catalyzed by enzyme B-hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase.

- It is a reversal of the synthetic reaction.

Acetoacetate is activated to acetoacetyl CoA by enzyme thiophorase, CoA is donated by succinyl CoA. * Thiophorase is absent in the liver; that's why the liver cannot utilize ketone body as an energy source. Acetoacetyl CoA is cleaved by the enzyme thiolase to form two molecules of acetyl CoA, which is oxidized via the TCA cycle.

• Acetoacetate gives 2 molecules of acetyl CoA i.e. (10 x 2) = 20 ATP

• B-hydroxybutyrate also gives 2 molecules of acetyl CoA i.e. (10 x 2) = 20 ATP. • Conversion of B-hydroxybutyrate to acetoacetate yields an NADH + H molecule, which in turn gives 2.5 more ATP

So, B-hydroxybutyrate gives (20 + 2.5) = 22.5 ATP.

The reactivation reaction requires equivalent to 1 mole of ATP.

Therefore, oxidation of acetoacetate yields nets 19 moles and B-hydroxybutyrate 21.5 moles of ATP.

utilization and oxidation in extrahepatic tissues

• The reactivation of acetoacetate to acetoacetyl CoA occurs in two separate paths.

- One catalyzed by a thiokinase in the presence of CoA and ATP

- Other by CoA transferase (thiophorase) in the presence of succinyl CoA.

In muscle, the latter is the predominant process.

What is ketosis?



• The process of biosynthesis of ketone bodies is known as ketogenesis.


• The steps are:

(a) Two molecules of acetyl CoA are condensed to form acetoacetyl CoA; the reaction is catalyzed by the Enzyme thiolase.

(b) Acetoacetyl CoA condenses with another molecule of acetyl CoA to produce HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy 3 Methyl glutaryl CoA).

- HMG CoA synthase, the rate-limiting enzyme, catalyzes the reaction.

(c) HMG CoA cleaves and produces acetoacetate and acetyl CoA by HMG COA lyase.

(d) A small fraction of acetoacetate undergoes spontaneous decarboxylation and produce acetone.

(e) Acetoacetate is reduced by NADH to form B-hydroxybutyrate by the enzyme B-hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase.



Three related compounds, namely acetoacetate. B hydroxybutyrate and acetone are collectively known As ketone bodies. An organ involved in biosynthesis – liver

Organelle involved - mitochondria (matrix)

Substrate for biosynthesis - acetyl CoA

Acetoacetate and acetone are true ketones, but B-hydroxybutyrate does not contain a keto group.

• These are water-soluble energy-yielding substance.

Acetoacetate and B- hydroxybutyrate is carried to the extra-hepatic tissue where they are metabolized and gives energy.

On the other hand, acetone is not metabolized and readily exhaled through the lungs.

• Plasma concentration is around 1mg/dl.

• Normal excretion of ketone bodies through urine is less than 1mg/day.

Side effects for calorie restriction

Side effects for calorie restriction :

1. cold sensitivity,

2. hormonal changes.

3. infertility, or

4. menstrual irregularities

However, significantly reducing calories can result in a range of health issues, including decreased fertility and weaker bones.
It Can Cause Fatigue and Nutrient Deficiencies... It Can Lower Your Metabolism.
It has the potential to reduce fertility, weaken bones, and lower immunity.

Types of calory restriction

Types of calory restriction:

1.Very low-calorie diet

• KE diet:

• Inedia (breatharian diet)

2.Low-calorie diets

• 5:2 diet

• Nutrisystem diet

• e diet

• Weight Watchers diet

• The Hacker's Diet

• Body for Life

• Intermittent fasting

Calory restriction.

Calory restriction: 

calory restriction is a process in which food restriction occurs without causing loss of nutrition or malnutrition. The main purpose of it to reduce body weight intentionally. It is recommended for diabetics and pera diabetes. It helps pregnant women to lose weight which is beneficial for mother and child both. A long term health improvement is a result of this diet.

Calorie restriction is a dietary strategy for lowering food intake while avoiding malnutrition. "Reduce" can be defined in terms of the subject's previous intake before decreasing food or beverage intake intentionally, or in terms of an average individual of comparable body type.

How many calories does it take to be considered a calorie restriction?

In general, people require a minimum of 1,200 calories each day to remain healthy. People who engage in a rigorous workout routine or engage in several daily activities require more calories. If you've cut your daily calorie intake below 1,200, you may be harming your body in addition to your weight-loss goals.

Is calorie restriction a healthy way to lose weight?

Summary: Cutting your calorie intake drastically can lower your metabolism and induce muscle loss. It will be more difficult to maintain your weight loss in the long run as a result of this.

Why am I gaining weight despite the fact that I'm eating fewer calories?

A calorie deficit occurs when you eat and drink fewer calories than your body requires to keep you alive and active. This makes sense because it's a basic law of thermodynamics: we gain weight when we acquire more energy than we expend. We lose weight when we consume less energy than we burn.

Is calorie restriction the only benefit of intermittent fasting?

Despite this, scientists and practitioners agree that it isn't a diet. It's a way of eating. Intermittent fasting's attraction to the general public is undoubtedly just that: non-dietness. There's no need to restrict calories if you limit your meals to specific times of the day, the logic goes.

What if you don't consume enough calories?

If you don't eat enough calories, you're probably not getting enough vitamins and minerals. Anemia, infertility, bone loss, poor oral health, and impaired thyroid function are just a few of the health issues that nutritional deficiencies can bring.

What can you eat on a keto diet?

What can you eat on a keto diet?

Foods thats are allowed for “high protein low fat low carbohydrate diet.”

broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers, chard, collards, and most green-leafy vegetables,  and other fibrous vegetables Whole-grain foods, Lean meats, skinless chicken, Whitefish, skimmed milk, vegetables, Lentils, Fruit, oats, pasta, rice, bread. meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts, and seeds

Foods that are prohibited for “high protein low fat low carbohydrate diet.”

nuts, cream, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and butter, starchy fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta, grains, potatoes, carrots, maize (corn)  rice and sugar.

Foods that are allowed for “high protein high fat low carbohydrate diet.”

broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers, chard, collards, and most green-leafy vegetables,  and other fibrous vegetables Whole-grain foods, Lean meats, skinless chicken, Whitefish, skimmed milk, vegetables, Lentils, Fruit, oats, pasta, rice, bread. meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts, and seeds nuts, cream, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and butter.

Health benefits Uses of low-fat diet.

A low-fat diet can help you avoid significant medical diseases including heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes, in addition to helping you lose weight by focusing calories on more filling meals. To function effectively, the body need fat.

Health benefits Uses of low-fat diet:

1. loss bodyweight as low-carbohydrate diets in the long-term low-fat diet.

2. prevention of heart disease.

3. Improve Cardiovascular health.

4. decreased total cholesterol and LDL.

What are the advantages of a low-fat diet?

A new study backs up the long-term health benefits of eating a low-fat diet.
Following breast cancer, there is a 15-35 percent reduction in deaths from all causes.
Insulin-dependent diabetes is reduced by 13 to 25%.
23,000 women without baseline hypertension or prior cardiovascular disease saw a 15-30% reduction in coronary heart disease.

What are fat's four functions?

The following are the four functions of fat:

  1. Food storage in the form of fat is very significant.
  2. It generates energy in the form of carbs in the body.
  3. The fat-soluble vitamins are dissolved in fat.
  4. The fat beneath the skin protects the body against rapid heat loss.

On a low-fat diet, how much fat should you consume?

Fat accounts for around 30% — or less — of the calories in a typical low-fat diet ( 31 ). Based on various calorie targets, below are some suggested daily fat ranges for a low fat diet: 1,500 calories per day equals around 50 grams of fat. 2,000 calories a day equals 67 grams of fat.

Low-fat diet.

Low-fat diet:

low-fat diet restrict a man from eating fat and cholesterol also. It intended to reduce many diseases as heart disease and obesity. This diet is similar to a low-carbohydrate diet.

A low-fat diet is one in which fat is limited, as well as saturated fat and cholesterol. Low-fat diets are designed to help people avoid diseases like heart disease and obesity.

On a low-fat diet, what do you eat?

To help reduce your fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and calories, eat largely plant foods (such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains) and a modest quantity of lean and low-fat animal-based food (meat and dairy products). Choose fish, poultry, and lean meats while shopping. Limit yourself to 5-7 ounces of these per day.

On a low-fat diet, what foods should be avoided?

Fat: Limit your total fat and oil intake.

Butter, stick margarine, shortening, lard, palm, and coconut oils should all be avoided.

Unless created using low-fat components, limit mayonnaise, salad dressings, gravies, and sauces.

Chocolate should be consumed in moderation.

Is it possible to lose weight by eating a low-fat diet?

People who need to reduce weight are frequently advised to follow a low-fat diet. The fundamental rationale for this guideline is that fat has more calories per gram than the other key nutrients, protein and carbohydrates.

What happens if you eat a low fat diet?

In addition to helping you lose weight by using calories on more filling foods, following a low-fat diet can help you ward off serious medical conditions, including heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes. The body needs some fat to function properly.

What do you recommend for a low-fat breakfast?

Fall-Inspired Low-Fat Breakfast Recipes

Oatmeal with pumpkin, fruit, and cinnamon (hot or cold).

omelette with egg whites and bread.

Muffins made with whole grains and protein powder.

Smoothie with fall fruits and spinach.

Apples and cinnamon in fat-free Greek yogurt.

Burrito with beans, low-fat cheese, and vegetables. Pumpkin pancakes.

Are eggs OK for a low-fat diet?

Egg whites are considered a low-fat food, although entire eggs are not. Because the fat and cholesterol in eggs is concentrated in the yolks, this is the case. In actuality, one large egg's white has 0 grams of fat, whereas a whole large egg with the yolk includes 5 grams of fat.

Side effects of keto diets in adult 

The ketogenic diet's most common and modest short-term adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, lethargy, dizziness, sleeplessness, difficulties with exercise tolerance, and constipation, which is also referred to as "keto flu." In a few days to a few weeks, these symptoms will go away.

Side effects of keto diets in adult :

It may include -

1. acidosis,

2. high cholesterol,

3. constipation,

4. growth slowing and

5. kidney stones.

neurological disorders for ketogenic diet.

Therapeutic uses for  the ketogenic diet:

Many additional neurological disorders, such as-

1. neurotrauma,

2. pain,

3. sleep disorder

4. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,

5. Parkinson's disease,

6. Alzheimer's disease, and

7. Headache

What effects does ketosis have on brain disease?

A ketogenic diet also boosts the amount of mitochondria in brain cells, popularly known as "energy factories." In the hippocampus, a brain region critical for learning and memory, researchers discovered increased expression of genes encoding mitochondrial enzymes and energy metabolism.

The classic therapeutic ketogenic diet

The classic therapeutic ketogenic diet

It was developed in the year of 1920 for the treatment of paediatric epilepsy. It contains a 4:1 ratio of fat with protein and carbohydrate. But now it is not much popular as the keto diet.

What is the ketogenic diet in its most basic form?

What exactly is a ketogenic diet? The "traditional" ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that helps some patients with epilepsy control their seizures. A physician prescribes it, and a nutritionist keeps track of it. It's most commonly used in kids who have seizures that don't respond to medicines.

Fruits that are disallowed for keto diet.

Fruits that are disallowed for keto diet:

1. Potatoes,

2. bananas,

3. peas, and

4. corn.

On a Keto diet, avoid the following fruits:

Apples (surprise, surprise).


Artificially supplements during keto diet.

Must be artificially supplemented during keto diet:

1. B vitamins,

2. calcium, and

3. vitamin D .

What vitamins are you missing out on when you're on a keto diet?

Keto, Atkins, DASH, and other restrictive diets might exacerbate rather than alleviate deficits. Folate (B9), biotin (B7), selenium, choline, vitamins A, E, and D, chromium, iodine, magnesium, and molybdenum are some of the most common deficiencies that can occur while on a restricted diet like the ketogenic (or "keto").

Foods that contains protein

Foods that contains protein

High protein:

 meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts, and seeds

Foods high in protein:

  • Beef, lamb, veal, hog, and kangaroo are examples of lean meats.
  • Chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose, and bush birds are examples of poultry.
  • Fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, and clams are examples of seafood.
  • eggs.
  • Milk, yoghurt (particularly Greek yoghurt), and cheese are examples of dairy products (especially cottage cheese)

Foods that contains Fat

Foods that contains Fat

High fat:

 nuts, cream, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and butter.

Low fat: 

Whole-grain foods, Lean meats, skinless chicken, Whitefish, skimmed milk, vegetables, Lentils, Fruit, oats, pasta, rice, bread.

Foods that contains carbohydrate

Foods that contains carbohydrate

High carbohydrates: 

starchy fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta, grains, potatoes, carrots, maize (corn)  rice and sugar.

Low carbohydrates: 

 broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers, chard, collards, and most green-leafy vegetables,  and other fibrous vegetables

Healthy Keto Snacks

Healthy Keto Snacks

Component of keto diet chart:

1. A protein-rich food

2. A fat – rich food

3. A fruit or vegetable and

4. Heavy whipping cream.

Zone diet.

Zone diet: 

Barry Sears invented the Zone diet. It is a low-carbohydrate fad diet. The target of this diet is taking foods five times a day, 3 of them meals, and 2 of them snacks. The food should frequently take after every five hours as a person has five fingers. The protein-carbohydrate-fat ratio is 30%-40%-30%. It is scientifically unproven.

South Beach Diet.

South Beach Diet : 

Arthur Agatston invented the South Beach Diet. It is a popular fad diet. Its main focus is glycemic impact. It means short term change in blood glucose by increasing the carbohydrate intake and decreasing the fat and protein intake. The main target of this plan is rapid weight loss that is 13 lbs in two weeks. This may cause cardiovascular disease.

Atkin’s diet.

Atkin’s diet:  

Robert Atkins discovered the Atkins diet. It says carbohydrate intake restriction is proportional to losing weight. It is a low-carbohydrate fad diet. There is no good research on it and no good evidence. Besides, it increases heart disease risk. It also causes heart attack, congestive heart failure, and hypertension.

Low-carbohydrate diet.

Low-carbohydrate diet

One of the most used type of the keto diet is low carbohydrate diet.

A low-carbohydrate diet inhibit the rich carbohydrate foods.

It limited the carbohydrate containing food and increase the amount of fat and protein containing food.

Mainly a high amount of fat and protien in daily diet instead of carbohydrates is low carbohydrate diet.

Standard amount of carbohydrate in low carbohydrate diet

There are no specific standardization of the percentage of carbohydrates in low carbohydrate diet.

 A research says less than 20% carbohydrate content is good for low carbohydrate diet.

 Restriction of  carbohydrate intake to 20 to 60 grams per day is the main rules of the low carbohydrate diet.

 But a daily average of 130 g of carbohydrates per day is recommended by The National Academy of Medicine.

The FAO and WHO are also recommend similarly.

Types of Low- carbohydrate diet:

1. Atkin’s diet

2. South Beach Diet

3. Zone diet

Types of keto diet.

Types of keto diet:

• Low carbohydrate diet.

• The classic therapeutic ketogenic diet.

• SKD - Standard Ketogenic Diet

• WFKD - Well Formulated Ketogenic Diet

• CKD - Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

• VLCKD - Very-low-carb ketogenic diet

• TKD - Targeted Ketogenic Diet

• MCT Ketogenic Diet.

• Calorie-restricted ketogenic diet.

• High Protein Ketogenic Diet.

Uses of keto diet.

Uses of keto diet:

1. Losing Weight: keto diet helps to lose weight. Obese people can follow this method to get slim.

2. Epilepsy: the keto diet discovered as the treatment of epilepsy in the 1920s. It can help epilepsy patients, mainly children, to overcome.

3. Glycogen Storage Disease: A rare disease called glycogen storage disease is the lack of an enzyme that breaks down glycogen into glucose. So glycogen stored in the body and cause many problems.

4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): it causes obesity in women, which is very difficult to overcome. So keto diet is a great option for that.

5. Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels: it helps reduce blood sugar by lowering the insulin level.

6. Reduce Your Appetite: keto diet allow you to eat fat. So it is helpful to reduce appetite

7. Bad LDL Cholesterol Levels: it lowers the bad cholesterol level. The more low-density lipoprotein is harmful to the human body.  So it helps you from heart disease.

8. Reduced Triglycerides: It helps in reducing triglycerides.

9. Lower Blood Pressures: keto diet helps in lowering the blood pressure.

10. Glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) deficiency syndrome: it is a rare disease-preventing glucose uptake on the brain. A Keto diet helps recover this.

11. Metabolic Syndrome: known as pera diabetics. It can prevent by doing a keto diet.

12. Increased Levels of ‘Good’ HDL Cholesterol:  it increases the good cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein is good for the human body.

13. Fat Loss From Abdominal Cavity: it helps to lose your fat from your abdominal cavity.

14. Diabetes: it sometimes helps people with diabetes to maintain weight.

15. Autism: sometimes, it helps in autism.

16. Some Cancers: the keto diet can improve some cancer.

17. Parkinson’s Disease: pneumatic keto diet help s in it.

18. Obesity: obesity is a kind of Disease that takes place by increasing BMI. So keto diet can be the best option for obesity.

19. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: it is a rare disease. A Keto diet can improve the condition.

20. Alzheimer’s Disease: pneumatic keto diet help s in it.

21. Migraine: sometimes, it is effective for migraine pain reduction.

How does keto diet works?

How does keto diet works?

In the neked eye, it is very unrealistic that adding more fat in everyday food helps you to lose weight.

The carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which produces energy.

Glucose enters into the blood, and in the meantime, the islets of Langerhans release insulin.

Insulin stores the excess glucose in the body by the formation of fat.

So, as we look, if the carbohydrate intake is high, the fat store in the body is elevated.

So we take advantage of the keto diet.

 If the fat intake is high, and the carbohydrate intake is low, there is no chance for insulin to store glucose as fat in the body.

In the meantime, all stored fat is degenerate to ketone bodies. It is a biochemical process called ketogenesis.

The function of ketone bodies is as same as glucose. They produce energy for the body.

So this process does not increase blood sugar.

 Because there is a small production of glucose, but our body still can produce energy. So we can be strong without carbohydrates uptake.

 It also burns our body fat so that we can become slim and can lose our weight.

What is keto?

What is keto?

  • The short form of ketogenic is called keto.
  •  The food contain high fat, high protein and low carbohydrates are called ketogenic food. When a diet contain ketogenic food is called keto diet.
  • It is a process of enforcement of fats burn and impedes the carbohydrates burn.
  • The keto diet used for medical purposes like dietary therapy for epilepsy, weight loss.
  • It is used mainly to treat hard-to-control epilepsy in children. It is also known as refractory epilepsy.
  • Sometimes keto diet is used as a lifestyle choice.
  • Besides A sea goddess in Greek mythology is named Ceto or Keto.

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